Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reebok Keeping Gloves

It's time ...

(Listening to the song [*], the poem takes a lot more sense)

[*]: Gorgeous melody and lyrics of this song by Manuel Carrasco; whom I had the pleasure of seeing in concert last Friday and of course I recommend, as I have done on occasion. His latest album ("inertia") is priceless!

Time to

deep breath and loose ties ,
untie knots
and open windows.

Time to step
break the wall,
casting step
and explore the world.

Time to

release the hair in the wind
and shine hard,
cage fear
and leave the door open.

Time to open the bolt, drawing in
margin of one paper, everything

of taste cinnamon and pour the coffee.

Time to feel the beat again
and smell the flowers, put

the world upside down and dream in color.

Time to count the stars,
to go with the wind, fill the bottle

see and catch your breath.

Time to bury
silences and give smiles,
not take everything so seriously
and look at life in a different light.

Time to empty the jar of tears and sorrow
and take a good breath of fresh air.

Life winks at me and not smiling phoenix
because it came time to resurface!

Safe Creative #1005136283043


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