With Luis in front crept up the stairs. When we arrived, they found that the noise came from the cabin and as they approached, grew louder. Upon discovering that someone had left the tap open shower breathed a sigh of relief and without it closed. Just outside the room, heard the same noise again. They retraced their steps ...
"Another open faucet and a shower. Mother! But what is this? Agatha said puzzled.
were reviewing all the faucets to make sure it is securely closed, they began to hear more noise in the other bathroom. When they went to see, actually had a couple of taps open toilets and showers.
- No way! More taps open? But if the just closed! What's going on here? - Luis shouted decomposed face.
face of that situation became a bit disconcerting to carefully review each and every one of the taps, which seemed to open and close as if it were a musical symphony. When they finished, they went into the hall in a hurry and found Diego, who came in their quest to see that it took to download.
- something strange is happening here: the taps open and close automatically at your leisure! "I said hurriedly.
- Do not say nonsense! How are you going to close and open the taps themselves? Could it be that someone has left half open without realizing it?
- No! "They answered in unison" We strongly proven twice that they were tightly closed and even then some have gone to fetch water at any pressure.
"That does not make much sense, but hey we will see," said Diego with extreme skepticism.
Again they were preparing to enter bathrooms: Diego was the first, behind Luis, after Agatha Isa and holding hands. All was quiet. Diego reviewed the taps one by one: all closed and the most absolute silence ...
"I do not see anything unusual. Not closed properly or you will have is that the pipes are old and slightly stale shoes.
- Go! Now it seems they are paranoid ours! Isa replied indignantly, while Louis and Agatha supported it with the gesture of their faces.
"Come on, come on down they're all waiting," said Diego.
Upon leaving the hut .... "Frasssssshhhh! Frassssssssshhh! Frasssshhhh !!!". Again several faucets in both bathrooms are opened and closed without rhyme or reason! Diego had no choice but to start to hallucinate as they had done their colleagues minutes earlier, while their faces reflected satisfaction show that they were not mad at the same time confused. Resigned to the inexplicable re-closing one by one.
had not started down the stairs when suddenly the bidet tap one of the bathrooms of monitors at the other side of the house, the water began to run at full speed. Of pure nerve and barely able to control Isa began to mourn and Agatha laughed. Diego and Luis just silent as they watched the scene astonished. Isa To everyone's surprise, it was the most Miedico, went into the bathroom with full determination.
- Let's go down once, by God! He said as he closed with all his might tap.
The other monitors puzzled by the delay were not slow to ask what was going to see them off with a white face, although the four witnesses to the strange event would not say anything at that time in the presence of children.
decided to continue with the progress of the remainder of the day as if nothing had happened. They had dinner, did the activity night with the kids on the porch, had a moment of prayer, everyone went to bed and finally made the evaluation meeting. All returned gradually to normal. After the evaluation
finally got the time to relax. Alberto, one of the monitors, went to the kitchen for some snacks and a bottle of rum that was jealously hidden in the top shelf of the cupboard.
- Who was the last that has been in the laundry? Because he has left open the sink faucet ... "He said upon returning.
"Another open faucet and a shower. Mother! But what is this? Agatha said puzzled.
were reviewing all the faucets to make sure it is securely closed, they began to hear more noise in the other bathroom. When they went to see, actually had a couple of taps open toilets and showers.
- No way! More taps open? But if the just closed! What's going on here? - Luis shouted decomposed face.
face of that situation became a bit disconcerting to carefully review each and every one of the taps, which seemed to open and close as if it were a musical symphony. When they finished, they went into the hall in a hurry and found Diego, who came in their quest to see that it took to download.
- something strange is happening here: the taps open and close automatically at your leisure! "I said hurriedly.
- Do not say nonsense! How are you going to close and open the taps themselves? Could it be that someone has left half open without realizing it?
- No! "They answered in unison" We strongly proven twice that they were tightly closed and even then some have gone to fetch water at any pressure.
"That does not make much sense, but hey we will see," said Diego with extreme skepticism.
Again they were preparing to enter bathrooms: Diego was the first, behind Luis, after Agatha Isa and holding hands. All was quiet. Diego reviewed the taps one by one: all closed and the most absolute silence ...
"I do not see anything unusual. Not closed properly or you will have is that the pipes are old and slightly stale shoes.
- Go! Now it seems they are paranoid ours! Isa replied indignantly, while Louis and Agatha supported it with the gesture of their faces.
"Come on, come on down they're all waiting," said Diego.
Upon leaving the hut .... "Frasssssshhhh! Frassssssssshhh! Frasssshhhh !!!". Again several faucets in both bathrooms are opened and closed without rhyme or reason! Diego had no choice but to start to hallucinate as they had done their colleagues minutes earlier, while their faces reflected satisfaction show that they were not mad at the same time confused. Resigned to the inexplicable re-closing one by one.
had not started down the stairs when suddenly the bidet tap one of the bathrooms of monitors at the other side of the house, the water began to run at full speed. Of pure nerve and barely able to control Isa began to mourn and Agatha laughed. Diego and Luis just silent as they watched the scene astonished. Isa To everyone's surprise, it was the most Miedico, went into the bathroom with full determination.
- Let's go down once, by God! He said as he closed with all his might tap.
The other monitors puzzled by the delay were not slow to ask what was going to see them off with a white face, although the four witnesses to the strange event would not say anything at that time in the presence of children.
decided to continue with the progress of the remainder of the day as if nothing had happened. They had dinner, did the activity night with the kids on the porch, had a moment of prayer, everyone went to bed and finally made the evaluation meeting. All returned gradually to normal. After the evaluation
finally got the time to relax. Alberto, one of the monitors, went to the kitchen for some snacks and a bottle of rum that was jealously hidden in the top shelf of the cupboard.
- Who was the last that has been in the laundry? Because he has left open the sink faucet ... "He said upon returning.
continued ...
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