Parole Café is packed. For some it is a night like any other. For others not so much ... Just inadvertently Ana and Leo begin to get confessions to each other ...
- I hate you!
"That's what you think you do not really hate me ... love me!
"I know from the first moment I saw you. I remember the woman that I love for years and never made me any attention. Why or a look? So I'm invisible?
"Because a view is a window wide open to the soul and makes you vulnerable ...
- Vulnerable? You do not know what you're talking!, I see you in my skin, never understand what I feel.
"And you never understand me to me: you do not have enough patience, I'm too complicated ...
- And that's why I hate you!
- And that's why I love!
- I love you? Do you hate? How often I've wondered ..! So far, but I've learned to live with you away from me.
- And do you miss?
- not as much as you!
"I do not think ...
"That was our problem: I never believed. Years have passed ... Say do not you regret?
"Sometimes ...
-So true ... I repent! And what has served us?
"Maybe to save us pain.
- So I wait at home?
- What do you think? A while ago I answered your question ...
- Why take so long?! The bed is empty without you.
"My lateness is explanation: fear paralyzes me when I realize that there are things I can not control.
- Fear, damn scary! ... Any Once you let go? How many times you shook hands? How many times have you rejected? How long?!
- to stop being silly!
(Silence, for a moment no words, only looks that say it all ...)
"Ask the account and ask at the bar if you give a bit of ice, which I ran yesterday. I wait in the car ...
- What do I do with the bike?
- pick it up tomorrow, you fool!
- Are you sure?
- Believe me, at this point that's the last thing I'm thinking!
"Then we're wasting time, look at me and tell me something ..!
- Is it necessary that my mouth to speak when my body is screaming loudly?
"I will believe it or not, but still ... Still gives me fear!
- So where is that of "letting go"? Knew better than to believe you ... Liar!
- Touché! You're right! ... Your car or my bike ...?
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