Humans need references to grow. Nobody there by itself, but we always respect to one another, a context, a frame of reference. Therefore, it is impossible to live without the other, without connecting to another that reminds us every time we look at it, who we are.
thought about the importance of referrals where noted how, among the many things that distinguish my daughters, the place in the family (the largest small) places them in a single starting point against which developed in either direction. I thought they are not interchangeable parts and, along with as many joints in your life, make up a territory that is unique to them and bordering the territory of others as one of its many vital references.
references I also think when I catch myself looking (in my story, the stories of others who know) the echoes of whatever happens to them. Simple things like remembering how many times I had eczema as a child and how my mother gave me an ointment smeared, seeing my little girl now has an area of \u200b\u200brough skin y rosada. O no tan sencillas, como volver a conectar con sentimientos infantiles de miedo, oscuridad o pena, los míos o los de los más cercanos a mi.
Rescatando entre mis vivencias soy capaz de encontrar un marco en el que encajar (o desencajar) las vivencias de ellas, ofreciéndoles a mi vez a ellas una referencia, una respuesta cuyo mensaje es "te comprendo" "te acepto" "esto me suena" "te sigo": alguien, en este caso su madre, con quien estar en relación con sus cosas, alguien a quien lo que a ellas les pasa le resuena, le conmueve, le recuerda.
Y así, conectadas, ellas crecen.
Mantener ese nivel de conexión , permanecer siempre disponible a su mundo interno, mentally writing the diary of his life (knowing their little anecdotes and vicissitudes, word and share them with family), to rewrite our own history thanks to you, realize what is happening at every moment, although we are not physically at his side are parental attitudes that give the child and not just a home psychic who was always able to go but a vital support for their survival.
Because if we fail to recognize in our children, to review our lives through his how we realize the things that happen? Understand how their reactions, their joys, their fears? What
we're giving references?
Disconnected, pass by intuition and alerts. Pass by the needs and emergencies. Disconnected we are unable to spin their story to be consistent, to find a meaning in that story and pass it in their day to day. Come and go, rise and fall, come and go ... but they are all ritual actions, devoid of emotion that accompanies that really permeates the whole family, absent a farewell pain or joy at the reunion.
Disconnected, we are unable to remember even his own existence.
And if we forget about them, we forget ourselves. It blurs the sense of transcendence and we become strangers. Let us not be alarmed
then neither cold nor loneliness, nor fatal errors or even death in the barren land of the disengagement autoconcluye any life becomes meaningless existence. Violeta
Illustration: Alcover.
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