attention? Misbehaving
have long ceased to need our help for everything and it is true that the stage of tantrums all the time is over, but sometimes three-year small surprise us with misconduct Usual dislodged us: back to thumb sucking or baby talk, does not want to test those he loved macaroni, behaves as a payasete at the most inopportune times or give by peeing in the planters.
When this happens, parents do a quick review of the situation to find "obvious trauma" to explain these eccentricities sudden alarm or attend to the pediatrician, waiting for an imminent health problem. And ruled as both one another, relatives and acquaintances support a single verdict: does it to get attention!.
draw attention is a way to communicate To those who say that their children are "naughty" to call attention they were right, but wrong in thinking that after care calls are bad intention or desire to disturb.
the contrary, when a child makes a display of unusual behaviors and keep them for a while (not worth a silly point), does so because their communication system is put in "crisis mode" and requires that some aspect of your life is addressed.
Why the fuss?:
● Just like when a baby cried "in stereo" when something was not right, you now have more sophisticated resources and as soon as you pull the trike and gives up to hide the keys Home in some dark corner (and inaccessible). In any case the message is the same: "I'm here and I'm not good, please listen to me."
● It is also true that with the accelerated life we \u200b\u200blead, more than once we ignore the first signs that a child gives when something is (which are often subtle and require daily time and attention is not always we have for our children) and therefore it is not uncommon for us to ask how your life only when "the blood reaches the river," ie, when the evidence before us as daubed wall, covered with hair or small gomets refuses to go to school.
● Small, in turn, learn that the elderly do not always listen to your messages so subtle that it is normal that prefer to communicate with us "big" and they know they will ignore. Therefore, it is indisputable that when a child does something "to get attention" is not a whim, not to bother, or for taking the important: it is because obviously needed.
Make him or ignore him? Usually, when we consider that a child does or says something "for attention", popular culture provides the best in these cases is "ignore" ... for fear of giving to the whims of children and "spoiling" or paying too much attention to inappropriate behavior and reinforce (and therefore maintain).
However, interest in a child who calls attention to mean or whatever grant request bypassing limits and standards of living, or convert their conduct in an affair of state and do not take your eyes off: it simply consists of observing, question, formulate hypotheses and try to understand which parts of the life of our son need our intervention and support. In short: address is to manage a difficult situation to help our son with his problems and restore family harmony.
What do we do when Martha begins to take off all your clothes in the bus queue or when Lucas appears smeared with flour from head to toe in the middle of the grandfather's birthday? Here are some simple guidelines:
► calmly Ni (get angry and made a basilisk, punishing right and left) or the opposite. Fairness (which is not the same as doing either case) is a difficult virtue to cultivate, but very useful in these cases. ►
Separate feelings behaviors that cause them, asking: "What happens to my child?" And "why my attention in this way?" ►
back in time: most of the time tell us little that is wrong long before "hell to pay." ►
Assess how are we (nervous, worried about something, etc. ..) because we believe it or not, children perceive perfectly the tensions and anxieties that the elderly suffer and they can affect them too. ►
Finding time to spend with our little exclusive (sharing a story, one morning, a walk, a game ..) and stakeholders honestly about the different areas of their day to day (the school, grandparents, caregivers, new friends, the teacher, the brother, etc. ..).
► Establish specific guidelines for the management of grossly negative behaviors (for example, daily strip-volunteer-dinner part of your carpet, it makes sense to help us later to pick it up, thus becoming responsible for their actions ) and, in parallel, trying to fix and pay attention to the real source of discomfort (for example, if jealousy thing, spend more time with him or, if a concern about school, talk to the teacher, make any change in their routines, etc. ..). ►
convey the message that all feelings are acceptable but they are all behaviors, we feel very bad for whatever reason, but that does not entitle us to break our toys or get the language to all neighbors. This is to help you find alternative ways to express their anger when things go wrong (this includes also an effort on our part, especially in the form of daily observation and listening).
can be many causes Many children begin to be jealous of no little brother when he was born, but a little later, when the kid starts to show milestones such as sitting or standing, which can occur when oldest is now three or four years, and is also the first year of college, with all efforts for adaptation and new learning and demands that entails, or the year in which the language is strengthened and with it the logical thinking and understanding the world around him (with its joys and anxieties) and perhaps the year in which they begin to spend more time away from mom and dad.
Some problems ... ■
talks like a baby sucks her thumb. Keep in mind that development is not linear but is like "an accordion" and it can happen that, for various reasons, our son needed to step back and then give two or three later. Often children need to feel that we want as the day of birth (which is easy ... because we want more!) or that, despite so many things by themselves and can still have our warmth, shelter, support and affection, as when they were little baby. If we show our love is unconditional (even if siblings on the way), will soon regain confidence in itself and will be "big." ■
pees again. We are surprised at the number of children who, after leaving the diaper and potty training with seemingly perfect control, again after some time wetting. Many have repeated leaks when they start school and for almost the entire first year, every other day do not come home with wet clothes in the bag: it is normal, because, even though they go to school happy, have to be aware of too many things at once and sometimes out of control at basics. Also at this age, they can maintain focus for longer in games, it "engages" so that they forget the small matter of the toilet.
Other times, we demonstrate that feel ill or are angry pee or poop somewhere in the house (the umbrella stand, a pot ..) or re-wetting the bed at night.
In all cases the solution is simple: patience, adequate information (pee and poop are in place when you feel like you should not expect, etc. ..), not to give too much importance to the issue (if you scold a lot or upset us too much, the little problem we can become a big problem) and (in the case of pee night), to offer if you use panty-diaper at night for a few days until sunrise again dry. ■
not eat. If a child of three years left to eat "perfectly" (ie, do not get anything at all for a whole day), then we go to the pediatrician to see what happens. But if a child of three years through a phase in which "eat less" but still he looks happy, moves and turns to the bathroom regularly ... you may not be the case of any wake-up call, but rather the natural evolution of the child's appetite. How well the doctor explains Carlos González, from the year-old to five or six years, while the energy needed to move increases, the need to grow dramatically decreased since the pace of growth is much slower than in previous years: the result is that three years is that the child needs to eat the same or less than when I had one.
Tastes also change, and no wonder that the overnight hate asparagus or eggplant lasagna.
On the other hand, the school menu is not always just as good as that of home and some children have problems in adjusting (although there are others who prefer lentils to Mom's cole).
In any case the reference (although we invite you to try this or that, or try to adapt a little menu to the tastes of sin) is that you should never pressure a child to eat: food must be a voluntary pleasure and feelings of satiety are a thing of chewing and swallowing.
Yes, even with all, we note that our son is particularly anxious and negative at the time of eating, we ask (and ask) what makes you so angry as to "not open mouth" is possible that if we verbalize the problem, no longer needed food to "let us know that something is wrong." ■
wake up at night. While it is true that after three years and almost all sleep "pull", it is not unusual for stages crossing point in returning to wake up at night. Awakenings may be associated with nightmares or vivid dreams (and if mom or dad need to come to her side to comfort) or the need to spend more time with your loved ones (if both parents work, it is not uncommon see them only for bathing, dinner and little else). Whether you relocate back to your bed or not, what really matters in these cases is that if you claim our attention at night, you have to do is try to spend more time together during the day or at least share a good time to love by sleep (eg, reading stories together, sing a beautiful lullaby, make some pampering or to review what has been done during the time that we were not together.)
■ Do not want to go to school. When a child does not want to go to school, take your age, it is important to find out why. Not all children reach three years with the same maturity level (and this was his first year, it may be that it is costing little time adjusting to their new environment, other children or teacher) and all schools are perfect (and may be that our son has a problem, from a child who beats up little room caregiver subtle), so that a rejection so early may indicate both the one and the other .. and it is therefore essential to clarify the reasons for refusal and do everything in our power to improve their school life.
paternal attitude towards school also strongly influences the perception that little has of his new center: if all our relationship with cole (teachers, management, other moms and dads, etc. ..) stays in the front door or openly criticize teachers or other families in front of small, it is normal to think in school as an alien or unwelcome site, which has little to do with him or his family.
And finally, the morning rush and sometimes become insufficient rest time to go to school on a daily problem (scolding, threats, etc. ..) that stresses the child more of the bill: a quarter-hour advance the clock (and go to bed a little earlier at night to sleep well) will help us all to start the day "positive." Violeta
Alcocer for Parenting Today (copyright).
Illustration: Meritxell