sphincter control, social, medical and psychological.
training in the acquisition of bowel control (so fashionable today in nursery and other schools) is the result of a process of "normalization", a kind of convention that adopted as socially valid, and that fits well with the interests especially of the institutions.
As in any maturing process, a wide variability. For example, in language development (another self-regulatory process), the age range considered normal for the beginning of language ranges from 10-11 months to 3-4 years. That is, that children who start talking at 10 months as those starting at age three and a half, are normal children, healthy and intelligent. Language development in identical stimulus conditions can vary greatly from child to child, depending on how he matures central nervous system.
The same applies to motor development (another self-regulatory process) There are children who walk at 9 months of age, while others do not start walking until 20 months. Both groups are considered normal.
with sphincter control, food and sleep is the same. There are babies that pee and asked 12 months do not ask others to three years. Children who sleep quite often from very young and others who do not change their pattern at night until two or three years. Children who eat solids without teeth and others who suck up to four years.
society in which we live is tricky. The incorporation of women into the workplace has launched the phenomenon of child care and schooling to age very early (3 years) in classes where they have to care for children by the score. In these circumstances it is very difficult (it would be very expensive) respected the individual needs of each child: for educational institutions, is more practical to treat them all equally, unify the maximum daily routines and processes of children. Everyone has to eat at the same time, peeing in the toilet and take a nap at the time and without assistance. That is, the highly autonomous system needs children, because there is no other way to serve them while mom and dad work.
This reality has been drifting in recent years a kind standardization of "age" to acquire control of certain processes, particularly the issue of the diaper is set at two years.
Usually when we talk about self-regulation, we talk about respect. Respect for the child processes and the natural rhythms. The opposite of this respect is pressure, that is, that whatever force is going to happen anyway. In general, parents pushing children in this regard are being pressured to turn the environment: the school, daycare, family, friends and even some media. The training usually is motivated by the need for parents of a child enter as soon as possible "social". This pressure would make sense if we were talking about processes that take years to normalize for themselves .. but we are talking about a difference of months in late cases (in many cases, control is earlier than expected, naturally).
I will provide some data on children (provided by Dr. Francisco Gilo Valley) to see better how this happens physical:
In infants, spontaneous urination is due to a spinal reflex. As the bladder distends will send impulses to the sacral micturition center and there comes a time when the reflex is activated cord, resulting in detrusor contraction and simultaneously relaxes the striated muscle sphincter. "
voiding or emptying of the bladder is a reflex controlled by the spinal cord and the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
sympathetic stimulation causes the bladder to relax and contract the sphincter. Urethral orifices are closed, it contracts the internal sphincter.
parasympathetic stimulation relaxes the internal sphincter, stimulates the detrusor muscle and causes it to empty the bladder.
When the bladder is filled, the internal pressure that builds up tension receptors stimulates and provokes reflexive muscle contractions detrusor y surge la necesidad de la micción.
Los lactantes que no han desarrollado aún control voluntario sobre el esfínter uretral externo, orinan de manera automática cada vez que se les llena la vejiga .
A medida que el niño crece, va reduciendo progresivamente su frecuencia miccional y va adquiriendo un patrón miccional.
La función normal de la vejiga es la de almacenar orina y expulsarla por la uretra (conducto por donde sale la orina) en forma voluntaria. Esta función la logra por estar formada de músculo, tejidos elásticos y vasos sanguíneos. Estas fibras musculares y tejidos elásticos forman los esfínteres, que se encargan de abrir y cerrar la salida de la orina, para que be expelled by the contraction of bladder muscle.
For ages 1 to 2 years is an increase in storage capacity of urine (bladder capacity) in the bladder, and nervous system maturation. This allows the child, from this point, gradually acquiring the ability to realize that your bladder is full and need emptying with voiding (urination), which means acquiring the ability to start and finish urination and that is accomplished on a voluntary basis, through the gradual control of the cerebral cortex.
So, approximately 75 percent of children achieve bladder control at 3 years and 90 percent at 5, although the night control may take several more years. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS
sphincter control, moreover, depends not only physical maturation but also the psychological maturation and development of body scheme.
Around three years (up months, the month below), children begin to be able to draw a human form relatively coherent. The human figure drawing (with their feet, hands, head and eyes in place) is the projection of the notion they have of their own body. Until then, though adults we find it very difficult to understand, the child has a body schema quite diffuse.
About two-three years, several important things happen:
- The baby begins to realize that a person other than mom.
- The baby begins to verbalize how you feel, what's wrong, what hurts and where, if he is hungry or sleepy.
- The separation of mother is tied to a huge interest to explore and discover their environment beyond the frontier mother and baby. Begins to relate to their environment as an independent person.
- These developments will shape a new image of himself.
This leads to a re-elaboration of their body schema and a greater awareness of their processes and feelings físicas (dolor, por ejemplo).
- Comienza a comprender, por encima, los procesos de ingestión-evacuación. Se empieza a dar cuenta de que él es un ser individual, que incorpora cosas que vienen de fuera (alimento, relaciones con los demás, aprendizajes) y que también evacúa (excrementos, emociones negativas, generalmente en forma de rabietas).
Este darse cuenta, este descubrimiento, para el niño es fundamental. Coincide en el tiempo (porque el sistema nervioso es sabio), además, con el comienzo de la sensación de control de estas funciones, por lo que para el niño es un hecho asombroso el poder controlar a voluntad la evacuación.
Para el pequeño, the stools are still almost a part of himself. Until recently, the wet diaper and the rest of his body were the same thing. Now he realizes that, but the border is still recent.
So many kids are generating a lot of anguish use the toilet (they prefer the potty) to pee or poop, they do not know where they are going to stop your pee or poop, dear those parts of themselves which will to release. Little ones are very concerned about where they end their excrement and, when they finally dare to place them somewhere they consider "trustworthy", they love to watch and discuss how they are.
Therefore, it is important to allow them to go to pace in experimenting with these feelings of "detachment." Going too fast can cause them anxiety is not difficult to imagine. However, if we allow them to investigate and explore the issue at their own pace, you will find great pleasure in this and find it fascinating fact to pee and poop at will.
From this assumption, ie, considering the sphincter control as a maturing process, we can not be surprising or disturbing that our son, one day, return to ask or need their diapers. Few weeks may have gone to the bathroom or used the potty without problems but for whatever reason may suddenly have leaks again important, and our son can ask for a diaper because they are uncomfortable with wet, or we can suggest us the possibility of reuse. It is a setback, is a normal stage of development, which will give our child more confidence in both himself and us. In itself, it will be able to have controlled an area that is often posed as problematic in many situations ... in us, because it will accept whatever you decide to do with your body and its functions.
Thus, we have seen a maturing scheme that goes like this:
- Begin the process of individuation.
- are working on the body image and self-image.
- The child realizes that the waste is a part of himself is clear.
- The child begins to feel that they can control the disposal (thanks to the maturation of central nervous system and enhanced capacity of the bladder).
- The child begins to experiment with such control and will ensure that he does not think of anything to do pee and poop in the potty or the toilet (his body still intact)
- The child feels safe, their physiological development gives you more control and a more mature voiding pattern.
- The child decides to forgo diapers.
At this point, yes there are things you can do:
respect them the pace and the way the process is given in our children. Accept them as they are, with or without a diaper, wet or dry, without evaluating or judging if it's late, early, or not to remove or put the diaper ... whatever that is what our child decide. Allow
psychological maturity, encouraging his advances, his desire to be independent, encouraging him to gain autonomy in other areas of your life, etc. ..
Explain: when they begin to show interest, will explain where their droppings, what happens to them, how do animals, parents, other children, etc. .. After all, going calming anxieties all will wake up on the child during this process.
Make available: a toilet with a step and an adapter in case you want to use (or potty), comfortable clothing, diapers and pants or shorts. Make available is to report where everything is, not to force their use. It is important to know where everything is so that you can go slowly showing us what he wants at all times and to know what the range of possibilities that regard.
not impatient, many children want to leave the diaper spontaneously about two years, while others are not asking to three and a half or four. It's okay, everything is fine. If we uncomfortable with the situation, it is important to consider why we need for our son already has that control. Discover that our needs and concerns are the result of social pressure. But now that you really know when that control is acquired, we can be sure that our child does not pass anything odd or is delayed in any process.
However, if despite all this, there is a real requirement we can not "skip" if in school do not support our son in a diaper and has to go or yes because we work, and neither allowed to losses and we want or we can move to school every day to change and nobody will do for us, only I can give you a hint: flexibility. If we are to remove the diaper at some point and our son has not asked, you have enough time to go back every time we see necessary, we have several potties scattered around the house to avoid having to rush to the bathroom, We can make the diaper a few days and not others, a few hours and not to others, and they do not have to be always the same, you can take the diaper at home but put it when leaving home, which is more cumbersome for all and if we see it too ... let a few days or weeks and try again a little later. And always, accept that you can take time for que se produzca el control, y por ello, seguir respetando lo que vaya sucediendo y los sentimientos que en nuestro hijo vayan surgiendo.
Violeta Alcocer.
Agradecimientos: Nuria Otero.
Ilustración: Nathalie Choux.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Free Brazilian Wax Demonstration
Who gets the medal? And self-esteem. About
Las experiencias durante la primera infancia conforman, eso lo sabemos todos ya, la estructura, el eje sobre el que se sustentan todos aquellos aspectos de la persona adulta.
Sabemos que los mensajes, los estilos, los vínculos.. lo que no es dado y sobre todo lo que no nos es dado, marcan de alguna manera lo que somos hoy. No tanto porque una infancia complicada determine una vida desgraciada (cosa que no creo), sino because the shaft we have is the starting point when shed some insight into ourselves, recognize and appreciate our resources and let us recognize and accompanied by our shortcomings.
Regardless of hugs, touch, words of love and good manners, there is a keynote address important but not always visible, which I believe is one of the most powerful messages that can give a child the early years.
This discourse does not speak with words, but rather with attitudes and actions (or lack thereof) specific, but his message is strong and durable, "You own your body," "Everything has its time and only one knows when that moment has arrived "" Every human being is different, you are unique and we recognize the uniqueness and value you as you are "" You are going to be responsible for the successes and mistakes of your life "" Connect with the person that you really do not do things to please others but not live outside the world "and so much more.
These messages are translated, more specifically, the fact of providing our children motivation to achieve, for decision-making, healthy self-esteem, self-concept consistent with reality and an open learning. And they are messages that permeate the depths because are part of a workout, or a manual, or a method ... but rather because they are special messages for each child, messages of love, appreciation and respect for their fundamental processes.
messages somehow recognize the greatness of human beings and their potential, contributing to the expression of that potential is not trying to pigeonhole, label or take in an appropriate "standard" even at the expense of losing its shine on the road but observing rather rescue, pointing, showing and guiding the child the best way to be himself in the world you live. Allowing it to be the owner himself, which is something. The triumph
the uniqueness of each individual and the formal uniform, in a society in which value increasingly autonomous persons, flexibility, initiative and personality .. but so incomprehensible that we educate by and for the absolute negation of creativity, subjectivity, feeling, authenticity and individual capacities.
Thus, from the various systems: medical, educational and family are still valued and encourage children, from birth, to "do what all" and "to be average." This means pull nonsense like sleeping at six months (and if not, apply a preventive method insomnia?), remove the breast before the year's pacifier before two, the diaper to the two sharp, clean your plate with three and a myriad of rules that have become "fashion" (and in some enforcement cases) and tacitly adopting families and families like the ABC of suitable education.
At school children can see how valued are those that do not move, do not speak, not out of line when they do color and all in good time and according to established patterns. If you touch math, but what the child is passionate about reading, nobody cares, because they touch math. Ultimately, it is more important to follow the standard to take advantage of windows that open every day in the child's interests and, in fact, predispose him to carry out more effective learning, creative, comprehensive and lasting tax.
not get me wrong, I do not intend to champion any anti-systemic revolution, this is not my spirit. Let's not even that desirable, in our society, lest our children have the ability to meet standards, that at some point stop using diapers, have emotional self, eat well and sleep like kings. This is because we want all that good personal and social adjustment are guaranteed at least some balance in life.
What I mean is that all these achievements, progress, mature, controls .... Are not and should never be a victory father, but rather individual achievements of the children themselves, since they own rhythms, their bodies belong to them and their abilities (and lack thereof) they belong.
Have you ever heard these phrases?: "I've taken my son's diaper" "I nap I took a year and a half" "I've gotten and the solids" "I think I will wean" We put to sleep in his room "" We will take away the pacifier on holiday "etc.
Do you realize that all, all, attribute the planning, control and success of such matured to parents? What are one-sided speeches, always in first person? Do you realize that the child has no choice in any case, to decide (either voluntarily or physiologically) if it is or is prepared to give those breaks to move from one stage to another? Eye, we spoke a few weeks, maybe a few months, waiting room for a child to "do" what is supposed to do for himself rather than "forced" or at best " carried away "by the will of their parents.
Vale, in the end all (or nearly all) reach the same things but .. Have they stopped to think about the speech that accompanies some cases, and others? In all cases where they were the parents who "decided" by the child unilaterally, the message reads "I decide for you, this is my business."
In those cases where the child is allowed to self-management of their maturing process, the message is "You notify us, implicitly or explicitly when the time comes and we'll help you grow and achieve your goals."
And being as it is so very fundamental aspects for the formation of the individual psychic such as food, sleep, bowel and bladder control and learning (from learning to read to learn to swim) ... Who do you think the message is irrelevant or the forms? Who believes that no matter who has achieved things, who gets the medal? Who do you think does not influence the feeling valued and respected personal time on personal tastes, needs personal, personal difficulties? Violeta
Alcocer. Oil on canvas
: Valeria Ulman.
Las experiencias durante la primera infancia conforman, eso lo sabemos todos ya, la estructura, el eje sobre el que se sustentan todos aquellos aspectos de la persona adulta.
Sabemos que los mensajes, los estilos, los vínculos.. lo que no es dado y sobre todo lo que no nos es dado, marcan de alguna manera lo que somos hoy. No tanto porque una infancia complicada determine una vida desgraciada (cosa que no creo), sino because the shaft we have is the starting point when shed some insight into ourselves, recognize and appreciate our resources and let us recognize and accompanied by our shortcomings.
Regardless of hugs, touch, words of love and good manners, there is a keynote address important but not always visible, which I believe is one of the most powerful messages that can give a child the early years.
This discourse does not speak with words, but rather with attitudes and actions (or lack thereof) specific, but his message is strong and durable, "You own your body," "Everything has its time and only one knows when that moment has arrived "" Every human being is different, you are unique and we recognize the uniqueness and value you as you are "" You are going to be responsible for the successes and mistakes of your life "" Connect with the person that you really do not do things to please others but not live outside the world "and so much more.
These messages are translated, more specifically, the fact of providing our children motivation to achieve, for decision-making, healthy self-esteem, self-concept consistent with reality and an open learning. And they are messages that permeate the depths because are part of a workout, or a manual, or a method ... but rather because they are special messages for each child, messages of love, appreciation and respect for their fundamental processes.
messages somehow recognize the greatness of human beings and their potential, contributing to the expression of that potential is not trying to pigeonhole, label or take in an appropriate "standard" even at the expense of losing its shine on the road but observing rather rescue, pointing, showing and guiding the child the best way to be himself in the world you live. Allowing it to be the owner himself, which is something. The triumph
the uniqueness of each individual and the formal uniform, in a society in which value increasingly autonomous persons, flexibility, initiative and personality .. but so incomprehensible that we educate by and for the absolute negation of creativity, subjectivity, feeling, authenticity and individual capacities.
Thus, from the various systems: medical, educational and family are still valued and encourage children, from birth, to "do what all" and "to be average." This means pull nonsense like sleeping at six months (and if not, apply a preventive method insomnia?), remove the breast before the year's pacifier before two, the diaper to the two sharp, clean your plate with three and a myriad of rules that have become "fashion" (and in some enforcement cases) and tacitly adopting families and families like the ABC of suitable education.
At school children can see how valued are those that do not move, do not speak, not out of line when they do color and all in good time and according to established patterns. If you touch math, but what the child is passionate about reading, nobody cares, because they touch math. Ultimately, it is more important to follow the standard to take advantage of windows that open every day in the child's interests and, in fact, predispose him to carry out more effective learning, creative, comprehensive and lasting tax.
not get me wrong, I do not intend to champion any anti-systemic revolution, this is not my spirit. Let's not even that desirable, in our society, lest our children have the ability to meet standards, that at some point stop using diapers, have emotional self, eat well and sleep like kings. This is because we want all that good personal and social adjustment are guaranteed at least some balance in life.
What I mean is that all these achievements, progress, mature, controls .... Are not and should never be a victory father, but rather individual achievements of the children themselves, since they own rhythms, their bodies belong to them and their abilities (and lack thereof) they belong.
Have you ever heard these phrases?: "I've taken my son's diaper" "I nap I took a year and a half" "I've gotten and the solids" "I think I will wean" We put to sleep in his room "" We will take away the pacifier on holiday "etc.
Do you realize that all, all, attribute the planning, control and success of such matured to parents? What are one-sided speeches, always in first person? Do you realize that the child has no choice in any case, to decide (either voluntarily or physiologically) if it is or is prepared to give those breaks to move from one stage to another? Eye, we spoke a few weeks, maybe a few months, waiting room for a child to "do" what is supposed to do for himself rather than "forced" or at best " carried away "by the will of their parents.
Vale, in the end all (or nearly all) reach the same things but .. Have they stopped to think about the speech that accompanies some cases, and others? In all cases where they were the parents who "decided" by the child unilaterally, the message reads "I decide for you, this is my business."
In those cases where the child is allowed to self-management of their maturing process, the message is "You notify us, implicitly or explicitly when the time comes and we'll help you grow and achieve your goals."
And being as it is so very fundamental aspects for the formation of the individual psychic such as food, sleep, bowel and bladder control and learning (from learning to read to learn to swim) ... Who do you think the message is irrelevant or the forms? Who believes that no matter who has achieved things, who gets the medal? Who do you think does not influence the feeling valued and respected personal time on personal tastes, needs personal, personal difficulties? Violeta
Alcocer. Oil on canvas
: Valeria Ulman.
Monday, June 15, 2009
What Humidity Should A Leopard Geck Tank Be#
anger, rage and tantrum. Nothing like sucking
often humans transform into rage our primary feelings of worry, fatigue, guilt, disappointment, rejection, injustice, shock, uncertainty or confusion. It rarely occurs primarily anger. This is often the feeling that follows another. It is essential to understand that behind the anger of a child (which usually is associated with negative behavior), there is always another feeling we have not always seen.
The same applies, for example, jealousy, which often hide feelings of being disadvantaged, being less than the other. ACTION
---------------- Anger, rage, jealousy ------------------ primary feeling
The expression of Anger can have different degrees. One of them, the maximum degree, is the tantrum. Much has been written about this issue, and each professional has a particular focus on how to act now.
For me, one thing is clear: a tantrum should never be a battle of the two has to win at all costs.
Although temper tantrums usually come motivated by facts that can be up to incongruent (the famous tantrums cookie or yogurt), parents have to be very clear that a tantrum is an expression of extreme frustration. What our child's tantrum is saying is:
"I lost all control over my emotions and my self, negative feelings have taken over me and I can not handle"
If you are currently punish our son, of whatever form (sent to his room, striking a blow, threatening to take away a privilege) are generating so many new negative feelings, which hardly will make a positive lesson for him.
Example: Mary is in full tantrum. Is completely overwhelmed by a situation that can not handle (being tired and hungry, but their own weariness keeps you from deciding what to eat. On the one hand wants to be more and decide for itself, but on the other, is not able to do . This results in it some very intense feelings of frustration, coupled with the tiredness, the overflow. At the very moment you feel overwhelmed thus, received a strong scolding, accompanied by insults, complaints and a "go to your room."
So immediately, it will generate a series of new feelings in addition to those it already had:
- feels hurt by the scolding.
- Frustrated by not being understood.
- resentment at the lack of help from their parents.
- Unable to return the aggression he has received.
- Afraid to receive more punishment.
Result: more negative feelings than before.
punishment may have stopped his tantrum, but he has done out of fear. The feelings generated that punishment, remain within the child. Maybe now they can not speak, but they will later, in different ways (or same).
For this reason, in a tantrum, the punishment is in the shape you have, is an unacceptable degree. Effective in the short term perhaps but totally ineffective as an educational measure.
The most useful way to handle tantrums is either to include in its way:
understanding of the deep feelings of the child.
accompaniment, either staying at his side, either to be available.
The reception, when the child has been able to overcome and come to our arms for comfort.
Information from parents, the limits will gradually internalize our son to express those feelings
a) with certain people: those who are able to empathically understand what is happening.
b) at certain times:
c) in certain places: the privacy of the family or those close.
And ...
- Remember our changes: perhaps we are no longer remember those two years, from that moment that we stop being babies to being children, but surely we can all remember when we stopped being girls / you to be little women (or little people), or the time we to be men and women to become men and women-parent mothers. Something was back then, something lost in the transformation but it all made us better. Who does not remember that feeling of endless nostalgia for what will not? Who has not felt alone and lost, overwhelmed to try new experiences? "Excited and confused by premiering aspects of oneself (self university worker ego, the ego boyfriend / girlfriend)? Who has not wept bitterly for what one day was and then held what is?
If we consider these feelings can be closer to the hearts of our children.
- Contain your emotions at this stage the limits are essential. But not to be confused with limited boundaries. Boundaries provide security and allow us to grow with a frame of reference, while the constraints generate low self-esteem and lack of self confidence. The secret is to encourage and enable as much as possible independence, decision making and expressing their emotions ... while he is shown to our son (gently but firmly) Where are the emotional tone and behavior that will allow grow better and in harmony with itself and its environment (ie, try to show how affective behaviors and maneuvers will be most useful for developing life and reach to be happy). This task is perhaps the most difficult part of this stage, for consistency, consensus and peace partner and conviction in what you do are essential for the child to internalize the message well.
- Putting words to feelings and moments of crisis: storytelling, to put ourselves as an example (when I was little like you ..) or talk directly and openly about what we think is happening.
- Strengthen the union of the couple: The crisis of the children usually are also the parents, so it is possible that a couple's crisis also stems from these years. The different points of view regarding the placing of limits Personal tools different from each partner to deal with tantrums and different moods of the children, etc, are usually the cause of conflicts that either talk and resolve, or "stay there" preventing our children indirectly perceive the climate of harmony that need to mature at this time.
- Be certain that you will overcome. Rely on the ability of our children to overcome obstacles (instead of staying stuck in their suffering) and let them know is an engine for self-esteem. Violeta
Illustration: Patricia Metola.
often humans transform into rage our primary feelings of worry, fatigue, guilt, disappointment, rejection, injustice, shock, uncertainty or confusion. It rarely occurs primarily anger. This is often the feeling that follows another. It is essential to understand that behind the anger of a child (which usually is associated with negative behavior), there is always another feeling we have not always seen.
The same applies, for example, jealousy, which often hide feelings of being disadvantaged, being less than the other. ACTION
---------------- Anger, rage, jealousy ------------------ primary feeling
The expression of Anger can have different degrees. One of them, the maximum degree, is the tantrum. Much has been written about this issue, and each professional has a particular focus on how to act now.
For me, one thing is clear: a tantrum should never be a battle of the two has to win at all costs.
Although temper tantrums usually come motivated by facts that can be up to incongruent (the famous tantrums cookie or yogurt), parents have to be very clear that a tantrum is an expression of extreme frustration. What our child's tantrum is saying is:
"I lost all control over my emotions and my self, negative feelings have taken over me and I can not handle"
If you are currently punish our son, of whatever form (sent to his room, striking a blow, threatening to take away a privilege) are generating so many new negative feelings, which hardly will make a positive lesson for him.
Example: Mary is in full tantrum. Is completely overwhelmed by a situation that can not handle (being tired and hungry, but their own weariness keeps you from deciding what to eat. On the one hand wants to be more and decide for itself, but on the other, is not able to do . This results in it some very intense feelings of frustration, coupled with the tiredness, the overflow. At the very moment you feel overwhelmed thus, received a strong scolding, accompanied by insults, complaints and a "go to your room."
So immediately, it will generate a series of new feelings in addition to those it already had:
- feels hurt by the scolding.
- Frustrated by not being understood.
- resentment at the lack of help from their parents.
- Unable to return the aggression he has received.
- Afraid to receive more punishment.
Result: more negative feelings than before.
punishment may have stopped his tantrum, but he has done out of fear. The feelings generated that punishment, remain within the child. Maybe now they can not speak, but they will later, in different ways (or same).
For this reason, in a tantrum, the punishment is in the shape you have, is an unacceptable degree. Effective in the short term perhaps but totally ineffective as an educational measure.
The most useful way to handle tantrums is either to include in its way:
understanding of the deep feelings of the child.
accompaniment, either staying at his side, either to be available.
The reception, when the child has been able to overcome and come to our arms for comfort.
Information from parents, the limits will gradually internalize our son to express those feelings
a) with certain people: those who are able to empathically understand what is happening.
b) at certain times:
c) in certain places: the privacy of the family or those close.
And ...
- Remember our changes: perhaps we are no longer remember those two years, from that moment that we stop being babies to being children, but surely we can all remember when we stopped being girls / you to be little women (or little people), or the time we to be men and women to become men and women-parent mothers. Something was back then, something lost in the transformation but it all made us better. Who does not remember that feeling of endless nostalgia for what will not? Who has not felt alone and lost, overwhelmed to try new experiences? "Excited and confused by premiering aspects of oneself (self university worker ego, the ego boyfriend / girlfriend)? Who has not wept bitterly for what one day was and then held what is?
If we consider these feelings can be closer to the hearts of our children.
- Contain your emotions at this stage the limits are essential. But not to be confused with limited boundaries. Boundaries provide security and allow us to grow with a frame of reference, while the constraints generate low self-esteem and lack of self confidence. The secret is to encourage and enable as much as possible independence, decision making and expressing their emotions ... while he is shown to our son (gently but firmly) Where are the emotional tone and behavior that will allow grow better and in harmony with itself and its environment (ie, try to show how affective behaviors and maneuvers will be most useful for developing life and reach to be happy). This task is perhaps the most difficult part of this stage, for consistency, consensus and peace partner and conviction in what you do are essential for the child to internalize the message well.
- Putting words to feelings and moments of crisis: storytelling, to put ourselves as an example (when I was little like you ..) or talk directly and openly about what we think is happening.
- Strengthen the union of the couple: The crisis of the children usually are also the parents, so it is possible that a couple's crisis also stems from these years. The different points of view regarding the placing of limits Personal tools different from each partner to deal with tantrums and different moods of the children, etc, are usually the cause of conflicts that either talk and resolve, or "stay there" preventing our children indirectly perceive the climate of harmony that need to mature at this time.
- Be certain that you will overcome. Rely on the ability of our children to overcome obstacles (instead of staying stuck in their suffering) and let them know is an engine for self-esteem. Violeta
Illustration: Patricia Metola.
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