During the first weeks of the baby, your nervous system - along with the rest of his body matures, incredibly, provided you have appropriate stimulation. And the only thing that helps this development is precisely the attention, the most consistent best, baby's needs immediately, as they occur.
is, to try to reproduce the most of the conditions that the baby was in the womb: this is what we call neonatal stimulation, little or nothing to do with the realization of complicated gymnastic exercises, or with the application visual or auditory stimuli in a forced manner, or any kind of "art" or "method" which promises an early development (what nonsense word, by the way).
American doctor John T. Bruer in his book "The myth of the first three years" (Ed. Polity Press) explains well the fact that if the brain does not develop by itself in children (as opposed to the case, for example, the skeleton) but requires a series of stimuli, it is precisely because these stimuli are so universal that abolute all children, for the simple fact of having a minimally loving parents, they will have them secured. No need to learn special techniques, you just have to be there and love our son as we go inside.
Nature is wise, and body Baby is ready to grow, to develop. It turns out that to develop, the baby needs to be addressed and encouraged by one another, their mother (and father) in this case. And its very nature requires it and it does the most powerful tool you have: the crying.
At this age, attention is almost the same stimulation that is, the child, through their demands, you are telling us what needs to be stimulated. And the simple demands attention from its natural (food, sleep, touch, affection and control) is all the stimulation it needs to overcome this first stage.
care of newborn baby's needs infant must be made "on demand": not only food, but everything else, sleep, touch, etc. .. must be treated in this way in the first few months, during which the small and need not prepared to tolerate any artificial frustration.
The frustration on the child, in fact, is an absolutely overvalued artificialised to the point that the phrase "must learn to tolerate frustration" has become as common as empty ... do we know what frustration and the psychological function it plays in human development? Do we know the kinds of frustration and specificity have time for each child's development? As always, we kill flies with cannon fire as deliberately trying to thwart a newborn with the hope that you get to know what to expect.
In a small human being not going to help you develop and organize "from outside" (trying to impose rates, schedules, guidelines and contingencies), because this development at this stage, can only come from "inside" of himself and thanks to a very specific stimulation-care, which the child asks, it will be exactly where you need to grow.
If the baby meets those needs met by a mother who follows the rhythms (the puerperium guarantees, in fact, the emotional resonance of the mother about her newborn, whose needs will own), it is in his first messages of love and through the stimulus is maturing and the demand is decreasing gradually.
If the baby is censored those needs, limited or regulated by a mom is more focused on the environment in their own feelings, is his first message of misunderstanding, are blocked aspects of development and demand decreases because instead of charging meaning their inner experiences, not being named (recognized) are blurred and lost in the infinite desires first, the early hopes, the first ties, the first roots that we grab onto the ground of life. Violeta
Illustration: Cozy Tomato (Koji tomoto)